springtime in hyde park

26 March 2014

Were the last couple of weekends false alarms? Because it's hard to believe that it was this sunny and warm just 10 days ago… but that's England for you.

At least we made the most of it while Spring poked its nose in (I saw a couple of ladies bare legged in mini skirts and flip-flops, which might have been a bit optimistic but I understand the sentiment).

Hyde Park is a favourite of mine, not only for the beauty but also for personal memories, like picnicking after my move back to London, celebrating after our legal marriage ceremony, and countless other times I've enjoyed there with friends.

It's located in the perfect spot - after a bit of shopping and bustling around on High Street Kensington, the park is at your disposal for a rest in the shade or for basking in the sunshine. The lake in the middle of the park has some work going on around it so the fencing wasn't particularly pretty that day, but we had a beautiful walk on the paths along with dogs, babies in prams and couples walking hand in hand.


  1. The photos are beautiful‼


  2. Do I spy peonies? How lovely! I think I could stand for a picnic in this park on a nice Spring day. :)

  3. The sky looks so bright and blue! I love the first photo. Here in Kyoto the plum blossom is in full bloom and it looks really lovely.

    1. Hiii Anna! I am heading over to Kyoto mid-April. Do you think the cherry blossoms will be in bloom then?

  4. I'm melted by those beautiful pink blossoms!

  5. oh gosh this is so beautiful. it makes me want to go outside right now.. but then i looked out and we still have snow! ahhh! :)

  6. Great pictures!!! :) ♥

    xx http://maybettonight.blogspot.com.es/

  7. The weather was gorgeous wasn't it! I have to admit I was one of those people not wearing nearly enough clothes for this time of year (but I was just so excited!). Now I'm comfortably back in my layers and dark colours! I can't keep up with this weather :| Lovely photos :)

    Rachel | AMomentInTime.

  8. Ha! I liked the comment about the bare legged ladies. I spotted a few where I live as well on one of the rare sunny and (relatively) warm day we had ;-)

    Great photos as usual; it almost looks like it was summer! I love shopping on High St Kensington before slowly making my way to the park too.


  9. I miss the sunshine! These photos are beautiful. I love Hyde Park, and I am so jealous that you live in London. Maybe when I'm older I'll brave the big city :)
    N xo

  10. What a great stroll around the park! The flowers look so beautiful! I love when big cities upkeep their parks.

  11. These photos of Hyde Park are soooo pretty! I can't wait for spring to get here! Also, the #residenttourist link up is live and I think this post would be perfect to share, among many of your other London posts :)

  12. I love all those flowers that are blossoming!

  13. Great pics. I live next to Lancaster Gate and Hyde Park is my favourite place in London. It's beautiful in every season, but I have to admit right now with all the gorgeous flowers it's especially awesome. Can't wait for all the ducklings to appear soon...
    Claire xx | somewhere... beyond the sea

  14. Beautiful pictures as always! :] Also the thing with some women in bare legs and mini skirts...it's hilarious because in San Diego where there's basically no winter at all, when the temperature drops to 60 (15) everyone FREAKS out and bundles up, but when I was in Pennsylvania the first day it got up into the 60s after winter people would literally be laying out on their lawns haha.


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