giveaway :: £100 gift voucher for Wayfair UK

25 August 2014

When I was contacted by Wayfair about partnering up with them and hosting a giveaway for my readers, my first thought was, "Damn! I wish I could have a chance to win this!" - a sign of a very exciting giveaway, if you ask me. I only ever want to offer things to my lovely and loyal readers that I would enjoy myself, and this fits right in.

What is Wayfair? It's an online homeware (kitchen gadgets, garden furniture, lighting, bedding, you name it they have it) shop founded in the USA that has now branched out and are making their mark in Germany, Australia, UK & Ireland. As this will be for their online UK store, unfortunately you do have to be a resident in the UK or Ireland to enter.

I thought that a gift voucher would be the best way to accommodate different needs and wants - they honestly offer so many different things that you might be coveting for your home, you're bound to find something you like. Here are a few things that caught my eye...especially the Raclette grill, E & I are determined to have a Raclette & Murder Mystery party this autumn/winter!

Below is the Rafflecopter widget to gain entries for the giveaway, that will run for two weeks. The only compulsory thing you have to do is to comment on this post, telling me what item for your home you are currently on the hunt for, and a contact email address or twitter handle. The other entries are optional for bonus chances to win.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. 1 on my current home ware wish list is Some new bedding

  2. I'm after a fondue set...because cheese plays a major part in my life hahaha so this raclette grill is looking pretty amazing, for sure I would be after that.

    my email is

  3. @tracyknixon on Twitter - top of my list is a new rug for our living room! Thank you x

  4. Top of my wish list are table linens, but my boyfriend doesn't seem to agree we need anything. He just needs a little convincing I think.

  5. Would like to get a juicer and experiment with some recipes

  6. Sorry I forgot to add my twitter @kimneville2 thanks :-)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. A bit boring i know but I need a new frying pan

  9. A pancake maker - my friend has one and it's amazing, though I think it'd be slightly detrimental to my waistline ;)

  10. i want a new mirror in my living room :D

  11. I was just looking at Wayfair over the weekend to browse some stuff for my home! The commercial is always on TV and the song was stuck in my head for like forever! :)

  12. This is such a great post. I'm currently on the hunt for a slow cooker (and about a million other kitchen items!)

  13. We've just moved into our new flat and we're on the look out for a small dining table!

  14. Great giveaway! Currently top of my wishlist is a white desk which I can use to take photos and blog on x

  15. i would love a coffee table thankyou xxgingerpumpkin

  16. Number one on my big long list is a new chest of drawers for my son. Just looked on wayfair and they have some on offer at the moment so I might just buy one. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. Forgot to add my twitter name is @10milewalk

  17. Microwave is next on our list! @gouldie7

  18. I'm after a casserole dish - its top of my wishlist for my 21st birthday! x

  19. Top of my wishlist is a grill! I am @djbmr on twitter

  20. I was actually just looking for more home wear stores in the UK as I am moving next month and I don't have a sofa!! (@TheDameIntl at

  21. My spare room is a disaster so I'm looking for a bed and some bedroom furniture. I need somewhere to put everything that is currently lying on the floor!

  22. a proper coffee maker would be fab! im @HelenRemi411

  23. No 1 on my list is an active Fry they sound amazing

  24. Ooops not sure if my last comment went through properly - I am in desperate need of some rugs or a carpet for my 9 year old sons bedroom. It seems his current pink carpet (which has been down since we moved in) is losing a lot of favour and becoming embarrasing now he is getting older! I am @WendyCollard on twitter - thank you x

  25. We are looking to buy our first house soon, so either lots of little bits like glass wear etc or something like a hot stone to cook when friends are round :) xx

    LemonaidLies - Lifestyle & Beauty Blog

  26. a new coffee table will be my next buy

  27. A foot stool not an essential but useful
    gholmes724 ((at)) gmail ((d0t)) com


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