severed heads, broken hearts & half bad & the state we're in

08 August 2014

Severed Heads, Broken Hearts by Robyn Schneider
I liked this book a surprising amount. It's a simple, YA read, and inevitably comparable to John Green, but it flows well and it's honest and doesn't pretend to be anything it's not. I liked the characters and the story itself - it's a great summer read in my opinion.

Half Bad by Sally Green
This book has been received very well and I can understand why, but I didn't love it. It's a dark story, and the style of writing is perfect for it - but it just got a little too much by the end. The intensity and imagination is something to admire though, and if you like the sound of it you might very well fall in love with it - it just wasn't for me.

The State We're In by Adele Parks
I was a little afraid that this would be an empty chick-lit, so I was encouraged throughout the first half of the book which seemed as though it wasn't. The writing isn't anything ground-breaking, but it's definitely decent and the story had me hooked. Towards the last third of the book though, I personally felt that the standard of the writing dropped and although it may not be the ending you expect, it was still disappointing. Not bad for a book by the beach but nothing special.

I'm a little behind on my book reviews, so the next one might come sooner rather than later. If you have any recommendations, please pop them below - I'm open minded when it comes to books!

You can read all my book reviews here.


  1. I appreciate your honesty in your reviews SO much, dear! I kind of like the sound of Half Bad...haha I love a good dark book. Maybe because I love non fiction and that's always super dark (everyone always dies in the end haha).

  2. I love these little review bites! I was intrigued by the premise of Half Bad but worried that the writing style would be a bit too dark or worse, Twilight-esque...xx

  3. I found severed heads, broken hearts a little disappointing. I'm quite tempted by half bad, it's been getting lots of good reviews but I'm not sure it would be for me x


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