the 39 steps

10 February 2014

When you live in a city that is constantly overflowing with things to do and see, it's easy to get a little overwhelmed and end up putting things off, thinking "I can do that whenever I want".

One of the things E and I have often talked about was how we should go to more plays, being surrounded by such an abundance of theatres.

So as a birthday gift for him, I got us tickets to see The 39 Steps.

I did quite a lot of research to see which play might be a good one for us to go to, and this one came up with mostly rave reviews.

It's a play based on the book by John Buchan, and the film by Alfred Hitchcock. Having neither read nor seen either, all I know of the comparison is that the play takes the general plot, lightens it up with lots of comedy and funny parodical touches from famous Hitchcock moments.

The best thing about the production? All the characters are played by a tiny cast of 4.

The Criterion Theatre itself is a lovely one, an intimate size and with charming, old-school interiors. We killed some time before the performance in the bar, playing around with my camera as usual.

When we sat down in our seats and the opening music started, I got the buzz of excitement that I only get when I'm about to experience a live performance. It's such an amazing feeling, and I vow to go to more of these.

We absolutely loved it. It was hilarious, everyone was laughing at all the funniest moments and it was such a feel-good show. I don't want to give too much away for anyone who is yet to see it, but they were so clever with the staging, and how they embraced the limited cast and made it the central element of the performance.

I know that theatre tickets can sometimes be pricey, but I snapped ours up when was doing a great deal, selling top price tickets for a significant bargain. It's always worth looking around for deals like these, because you can nearly always find something.

We stepped out onto lively Piccadilly Circus with big smiles on our faces. Even with the dodgy weather and the tube strikes, this city is still pretty magical.


  1. I've seen this a couple of times, once the London production and once the touring production. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! You should give the film a go, like you said it isn't as funny, but equally enjoyable. Also, the photos of you and E before the show are adorable!

    B xx

    1. i definitely want to see the movie now - i'm sure i'll love it! x

  2. I go to the restaurant enough that I should probably check out the theatre!

    Nicola //

    1. ooh i didn't know they had a good restaurant there - i'm curious to try it out x

  3. I completely agree - going to the theatre always puts a massive smile on my face too :-) it's so nice to see London through other people's eyes too. love reading your recommendations! also you are gorgeous! xxx

    1. thank you, you're far too nice! that's why i love reading other blogs - getting to vicariously explore my own and foreign cities through them x

  4. I've been eyeing up this production for ages now and it gets such glowing reviews, one after another. I'm asking for theatre tickets for my 18th so I might finally bite the bullet and go see this (or Les Mis!)

    1. les mis was amazing too - i think you're going to have to see both! totally different from each other though x

  5. I LOVE going to go see plays, Ilhan and I have gone to Shakespeare plays downtown San Diego every summer for the past few's so fun! And you perfectly described the feelings from before the play exciting. And of course you and E are adorable as always :]

    1. shakespeare in SD - that must be magical! i really do want to go to more, i hope we'll catch some shakespeare this summer at the globe theatre x

  6. You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place!!! Hope the show was fantastic! You two are so cute!

    1. thanks Dina! i really am, and i've learnt not to take it for granted but sometimes i get lazy about trying new things x

  7. You and E are such lovely couple! Lovely photos!

  8. I haven't been to a play in forever! I'll have to go at some point this year. Lovely post <3

    Jennie xo |

    1. maybe you could come to London and see a shakespeare at the globe in the summer?? x


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