halloumi & white bean humous tartine

14 February 2014

The other day, I met a friend for lunch at Recipease, the Jamie Oliver café in Notting Hill.

I had a delicious open sandwich, topped with humous, salad & grilled halloumi, with a lovely view on the side.

Now, as delicious as this was, I immediately thought - I could make this at home.

Armed with my recent obsession with halloumi cheese, that's exactly what I did.

Well, not exactly. I put my own twist to it, it doesn't look quite as pretty, but it turned out to be a nice light lunch for a weekday.

I started with making cannellini bean humous, just to change it up a bit. Simply a drained can of cannelloni beans, a TBSP of extra virgin olive oil, a teaspoon of miso (not essential, but adds a nice dimension), some lazy garlic (handy to have in the fridge for those extra can't-be-bothered days), a few squeezes of lemon juice, and seasoning to taste.

I popped a slice of bread in the toaster (I love this one below, high in protein and fibre, and tastes great to boot), pan-friend a couple of slices of halloumi, and assembled the humous, salad and halloumi together - and that's it.

All the protein in the cheese, beans and bread made this seemingly small lunch surprisingly filling. Obviously the tartine isn't a novel idea, and you can do this with any combination of ingredients you have on hand. I'll probably try this one next, which was my friend's lunch that day - with avocado and bacon, you can't possibly go wrong.


  1. Food related posts reached a new level, 'remade' ,-) I haven't been much online recently, I m trying to finish some school-related things, but as I can see there will be some good things waiting for me to make once when I m done and back to my 'normal' life:) xx

  2. It looks so delicious Miho! I'm hungry!

  3. *drools* I need to stop by your house and
    try out your food skills :D Xx

  4. Oh yum, hallomi on anything gets my thumbs up! x

  5. Oh gosh, this looks absolutely scrumptious!!
    xo TJ


  6. Wow, both versions look fabulous, not to mention delicious!

  7. TOO AMAZING. I love your recipe posts so much, they're so inspiring and make me want to be a more complex cooker haha.

    Marla @ A Weekend Crossing


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