the happy list :: may 2015

02 June 2015

All photos from my Instagram!

Read: Elizabeth Is Missing by Emma Healey. After seeing this in bookshops all over for months on end, I finally read it and thought it was a great read - an easy one in terms of style, but not always so easy being witness to the vulnerability of the central character and the sensitive topic of dementia. 

Watched: The Chef's Table series on Netflix. This is such a fantastic series of 6 episodes about very different, very special chefs of renowned restaurants around the world (featuring one per episode), and they are all shot beautifully and are all fantastic documentaries. Needless to say, E loves also loves it and we both highly recommend it!

Ate: It has to be our magnificent Alain Ducasse lunch, doesn't it? Pure perfection.

Purchased: I had one of those miracle moments whilst in Aix-en-Provence - there was a very specific pair of shoes that I was looking for (ballet pumps in cobalt blue) that I'd hoped I could find in France (because I have ridiculously small feet - EU34/35 - and can't find shoes that small in the UK usually), and on our last day, we just happened to pass by a shop where I spotted a pair that was exactly what I had in mind from a distance, and they randomly had a 30% off sale. It took me about two and a half minutes to try them on, and walk out of the shop with them in hand - the quickest I've ever purchased anything, probably, being a normally very indecisive person!

Clicked: - Life-Gazing and wild strawberries by Zoe. I first discovered her blog through the loveliest comments she was leaving on mine, and she is an absolutely beautiful writer. Hailing from New Zealand but being a bit of a globe-trotter, her blog is full of adventures and she has a very special way with words. A recent favourite post of mine is one about the Grand Canyon - you can almost feel as though you are right there. Spectacular. Go and say hello!
              - SilverSpoon London by Angie. As ever, Angie has been having an adventure and a half this past month - including hopping off to Rome to celebrate her first wedding anniversary! Aroma sounds like the most beautiful restaurant in an idyllic setting, and it all just sounds ridiculously romantic. She was also featured in The Observer recently, which is so exciting! 

Listened: If you loved Serial and are not listening to Undisclosed, you are seriously missing out. It's a completely separate podcast from Serial, but it continues on with the Adnan Syed case and is created by his defence team. They have discovered so much more about the investigation, and honestly, it will blow your mind. Please listen to it.

Ran: 40.1km. I'm pretty happy with that, considering I was away for about a week in total during May. After my leg playing up last month, that felt much better, too - so all in all, a very good month for running!

As for ClassPass, I tried quite a few new studios this past month and enjoyed them all - one of them was a Ballet Body Sculpture class, which made me so nostalgic for my ballet days! I absolutely loved ballet and did it for over 10 years. I was never naturally very talented (and definitely do not have the body for it), but I always say that when I'm reborn (which I will be, because it's too weird to think otherwise), I want to be a ballerina. One can dream! I took 10 classes in total this month, which wasn't too bad.

Blogged: It was kind of a relief to finally blog about our obsession (and arguably the best patisserie/bakery in town), so I have to say the post about WA café. Really, it's a problem.

Visited: Scotland at the beginning of the month, and France (Paris & the South) at the end. I have several posts from France popping up in the next few weeks, and we had a wonderful time there.

Cooked: There's a Japanese recipe website called Cookpad which is brilliant, and they have an English version where you can find translated recipes - one of which I made for lunch when my sister was visiting, and we really enjoyed! It's a spicy Korean style noodle dish, and you can find it here

Thanks so much for reading!
You can find the Happy List series here

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