baros island, maldives

18 December 2013

We have just come home from the honeymoon of a lifetime, and I still feel the need to pinch myself to believe it really happened.

Baros island in the Maldives was, as cliché as it sounds, everything we dreamed of and more. Every little thing - from the stunning scenery, the peace and tranquility, exploration of the beautiful sea life and the wonderful staff - is burnt into our memories and we are so incredibly lucky to have had such an extraordinary experience.

I am so excited to document and share our adventures here over the next few posts! (Because obviously, this trip will be relived and milked for all it's worth.)

p.s. I unplugged during the holiday almost completely -  all the posts for the past week had been scheduled (aside from a couple of Instagram shots that I couldn't resist) - so I have lots of comment replying and blog reading catch up to do! 


  1. Wow! I envy you. I usually like winter, but wouldn't mind a few days in a hot place, relaxing on a beach.
    Andreea |

    1. i do love winter too, but it was definitely nice to escape for a little bit! x

  2. This is where those great photos on Instagram were from:) Is there some new camera u are using, I really like those wide angle pictures. Beside that, there is really nothing I can add to sound more beautiful than the sole pictures are. Divine;-)

    1. i was actually using my usual camera, the only one i have! i was a little envious of the DSLRs everyone seemed to be using on the island ;) but i love my little sony cybershot! x

  3. oh my word, this is so beautiful! Stunning photos, hope you had a fantastic time :) x

  4. Ohhh I miss this place so much! Will be interesting to read your thoughts on the island :) x

    1. i love reading about people going to the same places as i've been too, hopefully it can transport you back a little bit :) x

  5. How beautiful. I particularly like the little lizards - how on earth did you manage to get such good photos of them?

    B xx

    1. haha i definitely needed some zoom action as they would have darted away from me if i went too close! x

  6. Holy mocha frappachino! This place is beautiful! That sunset is so damn gorgeous! Can't wait to hear more :)

  7. these are just stunning! what a beautiful beautiful place! looking forward to your posts~~ glad to hear you had such a lovely honeymoon!

    1. thanks jane! it was a great decision to go there for such a special trip x

  8. You've been to a paradise! How wonderful!!

    1. it simply is paradise on earth isn't it! x

  9. SO INCREDIBLE. This might have to be where I go on my honeymoon too. I LOVE your dresses, they're so pretty and the backs are perfect. You're gorgeous :] And those skies are to die for.

    1. i highly highly recommend it!! and thank you <3 i have a thing for dresses with interesting/low backs! x

  10. Ohh you lucky pair! If I could have stowed away in your suitcase I totally would have, it looks perfect out there <3

    Jennie xo |

  11. Next time, can you smuggle me in your suitcase?

    Love that pic of you in the hammock! x


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